Jan 21, 2015
The goal of the Healthcare industry has been to create an overall patient experience, one that gets patients to connect with doctors, to monitor their health activity at home and to be informed about their condition and needs. One-third of Americans use social media research health conditions via social media and even make decisions on their care based on that information. How is Healthcare doing at tapping into that community via social media monitoring? How can it go beyond bolstering the brand to actually improving patient care and outcomes?
Guest 1: Christopher R. Wood, CMIO, Loyola University Health System
Guest Bio: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/contributor/chris/
Guest 2: Gerry Lewis, VP of IT Strategy and Business Development, Ascension Health
Guest Bio: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/contributor/gerry/
More on this Episode: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/how-social-media-monitoring-can-improve-patient-care/
More on Healthcare: https://www.ciotalknetwork.com/topics/healthcare/
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