May 25, 2011
For better or for worse, the future of IT will be shaped by today's policies, politics, and available resources. Policies that could hamper innovation and advancement need to be influenced and mitigated where feasible. Stakeholder politics will always be part of the corporate landscape. Short resources are a...
May 18, 2011
A leader is able to lead because he is trusted by his team. They know him and what to expect. On the other hand, the business environment can change rapidly and unexpectedly, and a CIO must be ready to respond accordingly. Unfortunately that generally means bringing change into the organization, and change brings with...
May 11, 2011
An aggressive, assertive, and high-visibility CIO tends to redirect recognition from those who execute the details and stifle team spirit, resulting in frustration and dissatisfaction. On the other hand, a CIO who appears reticent and takes time to delegate responsibility and build and nurture future leadership talent...
May 4, 2011
Supply chain management has never been a piece of cake. There are challenges related to cost fluctuations, supply disruptions, transportation capacity misjudgments, constraints, and many other challenges. Are you fully utilizing your ability to interconnect, automate, and introducing intelligence to the way your supply...