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CIO Talk Network Podcast

Aug 31, 2011

Today’s BI is reactive, strategic, casual, whenever, and reliable. With the introduction of Social Media and mobile business tools, the old walls between BI users and IT will disappear. Already BI decisions are becoming collaborative, made increasingly while on the move, making BI Actionable and agile.  Future BI will...

Aug 24, 2011

Today, IT people must wear multiple hats and be able to switch roles quickly! And managers need real time visibility on who, where, and when as well as the ability to configure, dissolve, and reconfigure teams as needed, without delays or loss of creativity. While a governance structure may help project team members...

Aug 17, 2011

Often there is an implicit disconnect between the expectations and incentives set for business lines and those set for their IT counterparts. For example, business Line managers are expected to quickly spot new customer needs and adapt the processes needed to meet those needs. Meanwhile, the IT organization (and its...

Aug 10, 2011

If IT is increasingly more important as a partner to all aspects of business, doesn't apportioning most of one's IT budget to ordinary enablement and overhead, prevent IT from engaging in those things that IT excels at, like innovating and improving business? Could a more generous allocation of funds actually reduce...

Aug 3, 2011

A Bean Counter prides him/herself on efficiency and predictability. He/she expends steady but sure progress at reaching goals.  An Investor takes calculated risks. Risk of failure comes with the possibility of job lost, but success could pay off well beyond expectations. The two mindsets seem mutually exclusive. Are...