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CIO Talk Network Podcast

Oct 31, 2013

BYOD has wide appeal for employees who value the convenience and ease of using their own devices. Businesses recognize that by allowing BYOD, their employess are able to be as productive as possible. However, the variety and number of personal devices being brought into the enterprise network is a potential security...

Jul 10, 2013

Consumers have latched on to the idea of mobile banking as quickly as the financial services industry has rolled out mobile options. But there are so many creative solutions in the marketplace, we’re now juggling how to implement and solve the problems facing these new technologies while still looking toward the...

May 22, 2013

The idea of “wellness care” is that of promoting not just a physically fit body but an all-around healthy lifestyle. Numerous industries from healthcare providers, insurance companies, government agencies and corporations touch a person’s life in a variety of ways, and all are poised to help aid this...

Mar 16, 2013

The Arkansas government recognized that students in their state were not finding easy ways to receive financial aid. The Department of Higher Education saw a public need and business value to boost engagement in their community. How did they use mobility to streamline the application process and make it more accessible...

Sep 21, 2011

Enterprises everywhere are finding themselves in a position where they must accommodate workplace consumerization. The next logical step would be to go all the way and institute a BYOC policy. But, how does an IT leader go about instituting these new workplace computing paradigms? What is a right balance? How far should...