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CIO Talk Network Podcast

Mar 26, 2004

Internet changed the way we live our lives and do business. What advancements in technology, leveraging internet, can we expect that would further help businesses in being more effective and profitable? John was one of the founding members of WWW consortium. Let's listen to John to learn more about his vision and...

Mar 19, 2004

Managing transportation system within a busy city is a major challenge. Lets listen to John to learn about the related issues and how IT makes this daunting task easier.

Guest 1: John T. Flynn
Title: Vice President of Technology Management, Chicago Transit Authority

For more details and related...

Mar 12, 2004

What makes Supply Chain management challenging? It is the control and visibility of what is going on. Lets listen to Mike to learn about control and visibility challenges of Supply Chain and how IT helps in meeting them.

Guest: Mike Hugos, CIO, Large, Center for Systems Innovation

Guest Bio:

Mar 5, 2004

What are the odds for a large IT implementation to be successful? There have been more horror stories than successes. Lets listen to Gary to learn about the challenges of large IT implementations and his insights about managing them to success.

Guest: Gary L. Sutula, Ex — Senior VP and CIO, R.R. Donnelley

Guest Bio: