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CIO Talk Network Podcast

Mar 2, 2023

Can a financial services company maintain its mission of providing financial security to customers for 150 years in a rapidly changing world? Prudential is taking on this challenge by utilizing data and data science to adapt to its customers’ evolving needs and expand financial services globally, despite...

Aug 30, 2022

Organizations are experiencing significant data sprawl. It is getting complex to get accurate insights timely from the data one has in hand, or it is lying there unused. What are the gaps in our data strategy, architecture, and execution processes? How are we modernizing data management to facilitate seamless access,...

Dec 16, 2020

Even with easy access to AI and advanced analytics technologies, the total cost of getting data wrong can be huge, with organizations trying to exploit digital opportunities ahead. How can leaders enable data-driven enterprise DNA with relevance, completeness, and transparency of the data models as the foundation?


Sep 13, 2019

Dark data is information we are collecting but not using. It can cause leakage of proprietary knowledge and reputational damage. It increases future compliance challenges and legacy costs. It hinders making good use of data and is unnecessarily increase resource usage without any productive outcome. What are...

Apr 18, 2019

Driving a robust data analytics engine in an enterprise is not much different than a team sport. Business, data, and IT constituents need to develop mutual trust, bring forth ideas and challenge norms, take ownership as appropriate, and work cohesively in one direction. How to secure sponsorship? Who all should...