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CIO Talk Network Podcast

May 24, 2006

IT can be used to make an organization more competitive which requires redesign of existing business processes as well as design new processes. However, we need people to buy into these ideas. Thus, as IT leaders, we need to be change agents.

Guest 1: John F. Schindler
Title: Chief Information Officer, L.D. Kichler...

May 10, 2006

Delivering IT faster, cheaper, and better may have become the mantra for most organizations. However, this may not be the best choice in all cases. What if the executive management gives you a free hand to spend the required amount of money and take the necessary amount of time to deliver the right solution?


May 3, 2006

Sizing an IT Project in terms scope, effort, and cost is usually done using templates following a few ground rules. Do we factor in complexity? Is it the same for every project or for that matter every organization? Can we attribute the high failure rate of IT projects to this oversight?

Guest 1: Paul C. Tinnirello,...