Aug 23, 2018
Today CIOs responsible for driving future business growth and innovation must develop a new mindset and new capabilities. What if this mindset that a CIO develops is of a venture capitalist? But, is simply developing a mindset enough? In this time and age, should the CIO also build a portfolio of initiatives that would...
Aug 15, 2018
In today’s day of constant change, customer expectations are behaving like crazy creatures. They are growing and shrinking. They are changing shape and direction. Juggling priorities and resource constraints, organizations are finding it increasingly harder to deliver on morphing customer expectations. What strategies...
Aug 8, 2018
Leadership development must be future-focused to tackle the faster and complex future ahead. How do you identify individuals with the potential to lead the charge in the future? What skills and competencies do they need to address future challenges? What must change in training approaches to groom...
Aug 1, 2018
Do the members of your team cringe when you ask them to step up and lead? Is it due to lack of title? What are you doing to build non-positional leaders who focus on making a positive impact from any place in organizational hierarchy?
Guest: Sam Segran, CIO, Texas Tech University (TTU)