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CIO Talk Network Podcast

Apr 27, 2011

Energy Informatics is about using IS to collect information on energy usage, so that it can be optimized to save energy and money! For example, IS collects information from sensors to tell if a room is being used, and turn off energy when it isn’t, or collects information to identify more efficient driving routes to...

Apr 20, 2011

Once forbidden under rubrics such as Rogue or Shadow IT, consumer technology is invading workplaces everywhere! The officially sanctioned (and controlled) productivity tools of corporate IT are finding it hard to compete with the multiplicity of cool new consumer gadgets promising sky-is-the-limit productivity. The CIO...

Apr 13, 2011

IT is chronically long or short on resources. Resources need to be subtracted or added based on attrition, changes in tech trends, and the need to scale operations or respond on demand.  Meanwhile HR sits between a rock and a hard place, mandated to find the resources IT needs within budget constraints, while...

Apr 6, 2011

The Chief Strategy Officer defines, refines, and brings clarity to the strategic issues an organization faces, so that all resources can be aligned into one cohesive force focused on a single mission, ready to move the company forward. Is the role of CIO

Guest: Alex Pettit, Chief Information Officer and Secretary, State...