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CIO Talk Network Podcast

Jun 29, 2016

Smart City initiatives are pervasive globally and a lot of tax dollars are being invested. How measurably smart have such cities become? What are the lessons for the cities that are just getting started?

Guest 1: Torri Martin, Director of SMARTATL, City of Atlanta

Guest Bio:

Jun 28, 2016

Millenials are the fastest growing segment of workforce and have proven their mettle as individual contributors and managers. Are organizations ready to reinvent themselves in order to be lead by the millenial enterprise leaders?

Guest: Jennifer Greenman, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Moffitt Cancer...

Jun 22, 2016

Innovation is becoming critical to sustained growth and profitability for enterprises. How are organizations embracing and embedding innovation in their DNA? What are the related challenges?

Guest: Michael A. Garcia, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Jackson Health System

Guest Bio:

Jun 15, 2016

Linchpins are the essential building blocks of great organizations. Saying that a linchpin will scale organizational growth is a given; therefore, what does it take to turn a linchpin into a leader?

Guest: William George, Author of Discover Your True North & Senior Fellow, Harvard Business School

Guest Bio:

Jun 8, 2016

When an organization needs an ability to improve a given business function, it invests and focuses on developing it. What about Leadership? Isn’t it one of the most critical capability it must develop? It would require to develop a pipeline of promising talent, establish a culture of leadership, define processes...