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CIO Talk Network Podcast

Dec 31, 2008

In the interest of achieving scalability, are we moving too quickly to cloud computing? What about data/email security issues? Once Cloud Computing becomes the de facto standard, there will be no turning back. Is our act together?

Guest: Howard A. Schmidt, President & CEO, Professor of Practice, Former White House...

Dec 17, 2008

There is a huge opportunity cost, when IT resource needs cannot be met quickly and cost effectively. Some problems include: an IT that is unaware of budget constraints or corporate cultural criteria, or a non-technical HR that can become a bottleneck. How can HR and IT become a true marriage, where both parties...

Dec 3, 2008

IT that merely maintains the status quo doesn't attract substantial funding. OTH, IT that helps the business innovate and operate more efficiently has the power to profoundly improve business processes, save money, and help the organization leap global competition in a single bound! How does IT become a...

Nov 26, 2008

IT leaders must structure their organization to take full advantage of new and changing technologies. They must ensure that every team member contributes to the success of the business as IT grows and changes around them. Roles must change too, and so should the staffing levels and skills/experience mix. How do we...

Nov 19, 2008

While versatility may be the key to a successful IT career path, as a CIO, are you ready to put your job on the line by delegating tasks to team members that may not always be up to it?

Guest 1: Kevin Walker, SVP and CIO, American Electric Power

Guest Bio:
